Black Mountain

Asset Management


At Black Mountain, we are committed to creating value for our stakeholders beyond returns with strategic investments into the communities we live, work, and play. Our vision is to develop, acquire, and reposition real estate that delivers the best use and returns for our investors.

Core Values

our core values provide the framework for achieving Black Mountain's vision and mission


We will always “do the right thing” no matter what.

Mutual Respect

We will always strive to create an amazing experience for our clients & partners.

team environment

We take pride in creating a team-driven and fun working environment.


We expect all our team to hold themselves and each other accountable for achieving the goals we set forth at the beginning of each project.

Continual Improvement

We support an environment for our team members to take initiative and focus on continual improvement on our business strategies as well as personal growth.


We teach and expect leadership excellence from everyone on our team.


We promote an environment that encourages team leaders to communicate clearly and collaborate as a team to produce strategies that will achieve the goals we set forth at the beginning of each project.

Contact The Team

reinventing the next generation of asset management

Andrew Scarlett

Principal & Co-Founder

Zio Pekovic




One Northbrook Place
5 Revere Drive, Suite 200
Northbrook, IL 60062


4117 Hillsboro Rd. | Suite 10255
Nashville, TN 37215

Fill out the form below or give us a call at 847-205-2725.

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